The girls didn't have much of a weight gain this past week, but it was something that was more expected than a concern. The doctors have been trying different fortifiers to add to the breastmilk that gives them a calorie boost and their systems can tolerate well. They tried one called Alimentum (by Similac) which is supposed to be easier on their tummies, but they absolutely hated (it smelled horrible to us too) and started having an aversion to their bottles which they were making good progress on up till then. As a result, they had to take out all fortifiers and give them a couple days of tube only feedings to get rid of the aversion. Due to the lower calories they were getting, they didn't gain any weight. Also, Abigail had eye surgery on Friday (it went well) and was taken off feedings completely for about a day or so.
Over the weekend they switched them to adding Neosure (also by Similac) to the breastmilk to increase the calories. So far they seem to be much happier with their bottles, and if their tummies continue to tolerate it they can hopefuly start weaning them down on the tube feedings as long as they keep taking bottles well.
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