Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday Weight Update

The girls continued to make progress over the last week. As I posted last week - Jenna was expected to lose a couple ounces as she was retaining some extra fluid when she went up 5 ounces in two days. She is just about back to that level. Jenna also had her picc line removed since last Monday (Abigail had hers taken out a couple days earlier) so she has a little bit less weight tagging along with her to the scales. We like the kind of weight loss that comes with a tube or monitor being removed.

Abigail is closing in on her sister a bit - she has been able to tolerate the fortifications they have been adding to her feedings better than Jenna, so she is getting a few more calories right now.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful girls! Looks as though their growth is going in the right direction. Know our prayers are with all of you.
    Cousin Dan and Lisa Schneider
