Monday, August 31, 2009

Busy Abigail

Abigail decided to be a busy body when she was getting her cares today. They usually shy away from light and don't like it very much, but Abigail decided she wanted to see what was going on.

Abigail and Her Pacifier

Jenna Waves Hello!

Lots of Hair!

It's hard to see in most of our pictures, but you can really see how much hair Jenna is getting in this picture.


Abigail gets crabby when you do things like changing her diaper, taking her temperature, and wiping off her face. This has earned her the nickname of Crabigail.

More Bows!

Both girls seem to be getting more hair. Jenna's got lots of blonde fuzz and Abigail dark hair. You can also seem that they are really opening their eyes more and becoming a lot more aware.

Monday Weight Update

The girls made a lot more progress in the last week. Both have doubled in weight from their low points that they reached when they were a week old.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Cute Pictures

Both girls continue to become more aware, as you can see by Abigail's picture, but sleep is still imparative for growth and development, demonstrated by Jenna's nap.

Monday Weight Update

Both girls cleared 2 pounds over the weekend - just past the 1-month mark.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Yummy Fingers

Abigail has found her fingers, and enjoys sucking on them just like her sister.

Wide Awake

Although the girls spend the majority of their days sleeping, we get brief glimpses of them being awake. Here Jenna peeks at Mommy and Daddy while they are talking to her.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday Weight Update

The girls continued to make progress over the last week. As I posted last week - Jenna was expected to lose a couple ounces as she was retaining some extra fluid when she went up 5 ounces in two days. She is just about back to that level. Jenna also had her picc line removed since last Monday (Abigail had hers taken out a couple days earlier) so she has a little bit less weight tagging along with her to the scales. We like the kind of weight loss that comes with a tube or monitor being removed.

Abigail is closing in on her sister a bit - she has been able to tolerate the fortifications they have been adding to her feedings better than Jenna, so she is getting a few more calories right now.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

More Hats!

Both girls got new hats today, they were both cute, but kind of big. They told us they will grow into them though. Jenna is doing one of her new favorite things, sucking her fingers. She'd probably do it more, but she has problems finding them.

The Girl's Snazzy Bows

When we arrived at the NICU today we were pleasantly surprised by the girls sporting these adorable bows. The girls thought they looked pretty good, Jenna in her light pink and Abigail in her red polka dotted bow.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Abigail and Her Hat

The first time we tried to put a hat on Abigail, she threw a huge fit, this time she was so tired, she didn't care. Not only are the hats adorable, but they keep them warm when they are out of their temperature controlled isolettes.

Jenna's Poor Little Nose

Jenna's fingernails are getting long, and she scratched her little nose.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Weight Update

The girls continued to make progress over the weekend. Some of Jenna's weight gain is minor edema, so she might stay level or lose a few ounces in the next few days if that goes away.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Mom holding Abigail

Mom held Abigail today and they had a nice nap together. The nurses commented on how different the girls look, and that at their age it is sometimes hard to tell, but there won't be any mistake who is who with her and her sister.

Dad holding Jenna

The nurses today commented that Jenna looks just like her dad. She then threw a big fuss and got mad at the nurses when it was time to put her back into her bed. Maybe she took offense to being compared with dad?

Friday, August 7, 2009

Growing Girls

The weights in the charts are in ounces. Both girls lost about 15-20% in the first week, and have been gaining since. This was to be expected - mom was on a lot of IV fluids the days before the girls were born, and most newborns typically lose some weight at first. They did make it back to their birth weight this past Tuesday, and are now a little bit above that level. Abigail was taken off her feedings for about a day on Wednesday, so she slowed down a bit, but should be trending back up again.

According to this website, they were born at or just above the average typical for babies at 24 weeks and a few days. While it took two weeks for them to get back to that weight, if they track according to the chart, they could be up to 3 lbs in just over a month from now, about double the size they are now.