Sunday, February 28, 2010


The girls got dressed up for the first time in dresses and tights! We thought it was picture worthy. Unfortunatly, we couldn't get them both to smile in the same pic, so we posted both. They actually linked arms all on their own!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'

Both girls are now rolling over, but only because they want to escape tummy time! Abigail actually started out on her belly, I just couldn't grab the camera in time to capture the full roll -also ignore the Cassie tail :)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Splish Splash, We Love Our Baths!

The girls just love their baths. Even if they are crabby, all we have to do is plop them in the tub, and they are splashy, happy girls!

Monday, February 15, 2010


The girls have been really busy babies lately. They are really starting to hit those milestones for their adjusted age. (Adjusted age is the age of a premature baby based on their due date. People use this age when they evaluate the baby's growth and development. So, if a baby is 6 months old, but was born four months early, their adjusted age is 2 months.) The girl's current adjusted age is three months.
Both girls have found their hands and really like grasping them, and sticking them in their mouths. They are also grabbing toys and putting those in their mouths as well. Their neck control while sitting up and during tummy time is really good, although tummy time is not their favorite thing in the world. Both are smiling, and babbling up a storm and are starting to add some consonants into their strings of vowels.
They really enjoy their gym, swings, rocking chairs, bath time, and of course being held, loved, and cuddled!
Abigail is really observant, when we sit her in our laps and say "hi" to her, she attempts to mimic the mouth movement and makes a noise at the same time, it's really funny, her little voice is so sweet. She is also laughing. Abigail is our little cereal eater, she just gobbles it up! She continues to gain weight and is creeping up on the ten pound mark.
Jenna is our little smiler, she always has a grin for us. Today she surprised us by rolling over for the first time twice! The PT said she was probably going to do it soon, just because she hates tummy time so much, well, today was the day! She rolled from her belly to her back in both directions. She also has continued to gain weight, and is now 11 pounds!
They have come such a long way!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Girls Play Together

The girls are really starting to notice one another, here you can see them talking and batting at each other. The little babbling voices are so sweet!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Big Girl Highchairs!

The girls love sitting in their highchairs and looking around the kitchen. They like to watch mommy and daddy eat dinner - maybe we'll slip them some steak :)